This was a fun day from 2014. Man, does time fly by fast! We love local fairs because we love talking to people about their vent covers. We need to get the word out on our grilles and registers and how amazing they really are! Los Angeles is truly a paradise city and couldn't possibly get any better. Living in, manufacturing in and working with L.A. based companies really gives us a first-hand look into the new up comings in the design world. Local projects give us actual experience in installation and lets us see what is needed in the vent cover market. Our offices are located in Granada Hills, California and our manufacturing warehouse is in Northridge, California. We're close to Ventura county, Long Beach, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Valencia, Burbank, Newport, Orange county, Santa Barabara, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks and of course, the beautiful Beverly Hills!

TBT to the Granada Hills street faire
18th Feb 2016